Supplying natural, safe and healthy honey is our goal
Neg’s Honey sells pure unadulterated honey that is packaged in sachets and bottles.
Shop Original Honey Our Services
Neg’s Honey sells pure unadulterated honey that is packaged in sachets and bottles.
Shop Original Honey Our ServicesWe are a team of innovative leaders with over years of experiences in business development, beekeeping, honey business and honey production value-chain, accountable for our decisions, committed to our vision, efficient in monitoring and evaluation with a clear understanding of possible risk in honey business and how to mitigate them with sustainability plan for our projects
Nwakuba Ezinne, the founder of Negs Empire (Negs Honey) a National Award winning honey brand, grew up watching her mother sell honey.
Her early exposure to the honey business allowed her to make a key observation – everyone wanted honey but most could not afford it. Honey seasonality has caused it low production output, and there low network of beekeepers.
Negs Honey
Beekeeping Accessories
Beekeeping Accessories
Beekeeping Accessories
Negs Honey
Negs Honey
Negs Honey
Negs Honey