Besides honey, pollination is the greatest gift bees give

The vision of every farmer is to have increased harvest yield, but unfortunately in Nigeria farmers harvest only 22% of their crop yields which is caused by many factors. At Negs Empire we use bees to increase harvest yields by 30% using them as key pollinators of your crops.

Once a seed grows into a plant, it needs to reproduce. Since plants can’t move, they depend on pollinators, like bees, to share their genes for them. A plant’s genes appear in the form of tiny, protein-packed particles called pollen.
farmers and communities depend on bees to pollinate 70% of our favorite food crops

At Negs Empire we optimize hive placement by identifying your farm’s needs for full coverage with bee as we use bees to pollinate crops of farmers to increase their agricultural productivity, knowing that Without bees there would be no local food and no “farm to table.”

Bees pollinate around 400 kinds of agricultural plants, creating bigger harvests and lower prices at your local farmers’ market and grocery store.

Bees contribute to nearly every meal we eat, both at home and at restaurants.
it’s the first step in building a thriving ecosystem that supports all life.
Beekeeping Lessons

Contact us for your Farm pollination service